Sunday, January 02, 2005

1/2/05 Chemo Complete

I completed my chemo with no major events and am now just relaxing. I am having so much fun I could just jump out of my skin. Jane is home with the children to get them back into school and my mother is still up here with me. I also had Lloyd & Linda come down to visit. Keith will be up tomorrow night and will see him and then will get his stem cells Tuesday evening. Another cocktail for the ages.

I was thinking about the disaster in Asia and the impact on the world and was just wondering why George W. Bush cut back his lush 4 day, $40MM+ re-election party and have a one day $5MM party donating the rest of the money to the 9 countries who have lost close to 200,000 people and counting. I think you can throw a pretty damn good party for $5MM, don't you? Or perhaps that money could be used to supply our soldiers in battle with armor for themselves or for their vehicles?

All have a good day back to work tomorrow.


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