Friday, January 07, 2005

1/7/05 3 Days Post Transplant

Once again I have survived another day with no issues. I received my 2nd treatment of anti-rejection medication which is actually an old chemotherapy they use to immuno-supress my system for the near term. It is a 15 minute IV drip which today included a 3 hour wait since the infusion room was backed up. Of course this did not irritate me at all waiting 3 hours for 15 minutes of treatment so I had patient relations come down and speak with me. They know this is a problem and need people like myself to speak up so that they can convince the top brass that changes need to be made. I was not the first to complain and will not be the last. Overall, Dana Farber has been a great place for treatment. The staff is fantastic and responsive at Dana Farber and the facility is a friendly, warm environment most of the time. Unfortunately cancer is a growing business and top brass has to have some concern about the patients quality of life issues. I also will be writing to The Brigham & Women's Head of Patient Relations since I was in an isolation room due to concerns about immunosuppression and catching colds, infections and so forth from others yet every day a few times a day the smell of diesel fumes from delivery trucks circulated my room. Must be good for ones health. Evidently this has been a problem for some time due to the ventilation system being on the side of the building where they get deliveries and these trucks are not allowed to idle during their deliveries but still do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Frank here. Me, Lora, and the boys are thinking of you 3000 miles away in So. Cal. Hang in there.
Is it true that two of the nurses have requested transfers to get away from you, and two others are bidding to sleep with you? That's the rumor.

Also, I trust you have your infamous Cramps' t-shirt with you. Guaranteed good karma.

All for now. Go JETS tonight.


3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dean,

All the Braveman's are thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. It was nice to hear you missed your kids. Try to remember that next time Emily is giving you some "tude". Briana just turned 6 and I have no idea how we will survive her teenage years.

Stay strong and kick ass. We're pulling for you.


6:31 AM  
Blogger Samantha said...

I'm new to blogging and I'm just going from site to site. I am touched by your words and your spirit and your courage. I am truly humbled. Thank you for this.
For all of the delivery drivers out there; please do not be so selfish...
Our actions and our words reach beyond our vision and comprehension.

11:05 PM  

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